

Email Hosting & Productivity

Dedicated email solution
that drives your business
into the future

Secure hosting to ensure your business flexibility with
effective and accessible email services.

Curating your Digital Experience

Cost effective IT and data processing solutions.

We provide 24/7 end-to-end support.

Simplify business with our easy products integration.

Improve your business productivity with user-friendly solutions that empower your business

Email hosting service that facilitate your communication needs
Keep your business moving forward and connected. With email hosting you have secure mailing facilities. Enterprise Outsourcing ensures that all your email hosting needs are taken care of. We secure your email that all your emails are protected. With our email hosting, we increase your file storage to ensure that accessing your emails are easy and efficient.
We do regular back-ups of emails to your secure cloud storage, to prevent any data-loss. Our email hosting servers include firewalls to protect your email inbox from malware.
“We simplify your email needs to promote productivity.”

Innovate your business with a
managed email hosting solution

Flexible hosting solution for all business sizes.




Additional application services

Application Managed Services

At Enterprise Outsourcing we have specialized IT teams, that aid your business with resolving bugs or network errors.

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence allows insight into your business, through accurately analyzing all your data.

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management simplifies the managing and maintaining customer relationships.

Digital Experience

Digital Experience is a personalized strategy to increase your customer experience.


Take the hassle out of payroll with one platform that securely stores all your workforce information and streamlines payroll abilities.

Enterprise Resource Management

Customer Relationship Management simplifies the managing and maintaining customer relationships.

Back Office

Streamline your business abilities by minimizing your administration needs through effective applications.


Innovate your business through the use of predictive analytics that streamline your procurement needs.


Secure solution that streamlines your quotation, ordering and payment solution.

Supply Chain

Manage your supply chain through one application that is secure and user-friendly.

Human Resources

Single application that empower and innovate your workforce.

20 Years experience serving
clients globally

Embrace the digital future with us.

Tshipi e Ntle
Manganese Mining:
Carel Malan- CFO

Enterprise Outsourcing enables us to engage worldwide with our partners and customers via voice and data systems.


Mike Benfield- CIO

EO has been monitoring and reporting on our WAN performance and outages with great efficiency.

treasury One

Treasury One:
Hennie de Klerk- Head

Our experience with EO at any level has been professional and response times to queries or requests are exceptional.


Sabvest Limited:
Leon Rood- Executive Director

We are a satisfied client of Enterprise Outsourcing for more than a decade.

Astral Foods

Astral Foods:
Evert Potgieter- Director

EO has been a business partner to Astral since 2001, adding value to the success of the group.


Ryan Cane- PreSales Manager

Enterprise Outsourcing helps us streamline internal processes and engage with our clients effortlessly and effectively.

Accessible and secure
email hosting solution

Enterprise Outsourcing
We enable businesses through
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